Updates on the latest product and project information
When ‘Red Bull Air Force’ skydiver Luke Aikins dreamed up his plan to free fall 25,000 feet without a parachute into a small 100 x 100 foot net, he knew he couldn't simply rely on his senses to tell him when he was safely on path to the target. He and his Stride Gum sponsored team enlisted Laser Guidance to design a visual reference system of lights to direct Luke's descent.
The power and precision of Laser Guidance LED PAPI units provided the perfect solution to give Luke the confidence to take his giant leap and signaled his exact position during every second of his one-and-a-half minute plunge. FULL STORY >
Luke Aikins beginning his 25,000 foot free fall, focuses on a set of Laser Guidance PAPI lights around the target net.
Two years after visiting the new Prefos, Ltd. streetlight assembly facility in Kumasi, Ghana, we announce proudly the shipment of a demonstration model RoadStar® solar streetlamp unit to Prefos' offices in Accra, Ghana. Prefos' long relationship as a provider of streetlights for the government and private sector customers bodes well for a fruitful partnership between our two companies.
Prefos has also developed strong ties to the local population through its role as a job creator and training center for technical and electronic workers. Laser Guidance hopes to build on this foundation by doing final assembly of its streetlights in Ghana and eventually manufacture the complete support structures, including the arm, battery box, and adjustable solar panel frame in the country.
The king of Ghana tours the new Prefos, Ltd. assembly and training facility in Kumasi.
This past April 2016, sales VP Max Karst attended a reverse trade mission hosted by the United States Trade & Development Agency (USTDA) in Washington, DC. Featured guests were airport safety representatives from Rwanda, Kenya, and Tanzania who presented the needs their respective organizations had, as well as the opportunities for US companies to engage with the region.
Mr. Karst was able to schedule a number of one-on-one meetings with key officials regarding airport infrastructure and promote Laser Guidance LED airport lighting technologies. "Our presentations were very well received and we'll be following up on a number of conversations and build relationships." Karst said.
In September 2015, Dave Shemwell and Max Karst travelled to southeast Rwanda to install two solar powered runway edge lights at Kamembe Airport. The installation was at the invitation of Rwanda Civil Aviation Authority head Silas Udahemuka as a test of whether the units would function reliably through the typical three month rainy season October through December. The lights were placed well off the runway on the airport grounds and performed with 100% reliability through extended cloudy periods and well after.
In April, Director Udahemuka notified us that the lights have performed to his satisfaction and the project for lighting the airfield has been forwarded to the Rwanda Development Board (RDB) for funding. We are hopeful the RDB will make the decision to move forward in coming months. FULL STORY >
Two solar powered runway edge lights installed on Kamembe airport grounds to prove the technology.
At he invitaion of Kigali former Mayor Fidele Ndayisaba, Laser Guidance has installed a solar powered three-light assembly atop an existing lamp pole at Nybugogo Taxi Park, the central bus terminal in central Kigali, Rwanda. The installation in June 2015 was a coordinated effort by Sales VP Max Karst, local LG representative Pascal Bakarani, LG Rwanda government liaison Grace Umurerwa, Kigali city utility workers, and private contractors.
Working with the most basic equipment, African inginuity won the day and the heavy assembly was successfuly lifted into place, secured, and lit the area that evening as it continues to the present. FULL STORY >
Kigali work crew attaches solar panels to the battery box before raising it atop the light pole.
Recently, Dave Shemwell and Max Karst traveled to Rwanda, Kenya, and Democratic Republic of Congo for rounds of meetings with local aiviation authorities. The goal was to acquaint officials with Laser Guidance airfild lighting systems, survey the market potential, explore the process of doing business in the region.
During the visit to Kinshasa, our local rep Dieudonne Bakarani arranged for a large audience of aviation and infrastructure officials to hear our presentation. We were very well received and expect to be back for followup in the near future.
Shemwell and Karst in Kinshasa at the office of RVA after meeting with aviation authorities.